Connecting the dots
Auditors dive in to data analytics. Auditors usually look to see where the money goes, but now capital expenditures in data analytics are helping firms be more efficient, ask better questions and detect fraud. Groundbreaking research conducted by accounting professors is believed to be the first in this emerging field.
Why venting at work just makes you angrier
Venting is a common practice for employees who experience unfair situations at work, but new research co-authored by Terry College management professors suggests that letting off steam can do more harm than good.
Students’ scores could be a parent trap
Your child may be at the top of the class, but where a student goes to school could mislead parents and cause them to spend more or less time and money boosting their child’s educational skills. Economics professor Josh Kinsler’s research shows a link between how a child performs in relation to classmates and the investment that parents make on activities such as helping with homework or hiring a tutor.
Life interrupted
New research from the University of Georgia finds an important step to good work-life balance comes down to how you communicate with the office after hours. The paper examines for the first time how different forms of communications technology affect employees when they are off the clock.
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